TescoWatch has undergone some reorganisation since James gave up his role as Blogmaster.
After checking with the group Coordinators (Hilary Arnold, Brian Johnson and Doug Smith), I undertook to maintain the TescoWatch operation through the good offices of Peter Arnold as Blogmaster.
We have been grateful to James for continuing to alert us all to recent developments, even if we have not all shared his slightly confrontational approach. Whatever we think of Tesco and EDDC, I judge that they are likely to respond more favourably to approaches that do not assume they are determined to ignore the hazards which we identify. While I am sure that Tesco are keen to save time and expense, and that EDDC would prefer not to be continually raising issues with the developer and their agents, that does not mean they are the direct cause of every problem.
As far as the current issues are concerned, clearly Delta Simons as Tesco's agents, tried to slip pass unnoticed a change of plans, contrary to Jubbs's recommendations which were adopted in the original plan. Now that the change of plans has been detected by the Environment Agency, their quickest and probably cheapest option is to reinstate the original plan. Not to do so would be to incur the displeasure of both the Environment Agency and Jubbs, whom they really need onside. We wait to see, and hope to get inside intelligence again of Delta Simons response. Tesco themselves would probably only get to know of it if there was a major delay.
TescoWatch members individually are welcome to get in touch with the appropriate parties, such as Health and Safety on the bridge issue. The bridge-building contractors themselves have no interest in being responsible for a bridge collapse, and may well have raised the question themselves: they just need someone to pay for the extra work, if it is not budgeted for. Again, we need to be alert to what is happening on the ground, but, unless we actually see the erection beginning without foundations, we need not assume the question has been ignored.
In general, I think we may be better received if we approach EDDC and Tesco as individual residents rather than as a campaigning group. Clearly, James himself cannot but be identified with the Seaton Development Trust.
Your comments and views welcome.
Hugh Barlow