22 December 2009

Further information from the MFA

The following letter from the Marine and Fisheries Agency is worth quoting in full . . .

This is to keep you informed as to the development by Tesco of land at Seaton. At present, the application with the Marine and Fisheries Agency (MFA) is at the Screening stage. This is the process which determines whether or not an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is needed (under the Marine Works Regulations 2007). The MFA consults various organisations  at the Screening stage to gauge their opinion as to whether an EIA is required. We are still awaiting responses and have not formally decided yet that an EIA is needed.

The next stage would be the Scoping stage. This is the process of determining what needs to be provided by the developer in their EIA. The following stage would be Consent stage. At this stage the developer would have to publicise their application and give contact details for members of the public to give their views. 

The MFA would manage the representations from the public and forward the comments to the developer. Following this stage a decision would be made whether or not to licence the development under the Food and Environmental Protection Act 1985(FEPA) and/or the Coastal Protection Act 1949 (CPA).

I will keep you informed as to further developments on the site.

David Morris
Marine  Case Officer, Marine and Fisheries Agency
5th Floor, Citygate, Gallowgate, Newcastle upon Tyne. NE1 4WH
Tel: 0191 2023751

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