31 October 2010

More thoughts on Committee Minutes

Since my last post about the noise decision reached by EDDC Development Management Committee on 21 September, I have been looking more closely at the documents involved.  

As posted to the EDDC website, the important ones are as follows:

1.  The Committee papers.  This is a great wodge of collected documents handed out at the start of the meeting.  Committee members get them earlier so that they can study them.  This is where the EDDC Environmental health officers recommend a time limit for pipeline operation.

2.  The Minutes.  These are quite short and cover who was there and who had a conflict of interest.  There are no details about what was said: instead, we are referred to the Schedule.

3.  The Schedule.  This records the decisions reached.  

This seems quite reasonable until you look in detail at the decisions as described in the schedule .  They include an enormous amount of technical detail - far more than was mentioned at the meeting.  Paragraph 6 dealing with pipeline noise was quoted in the last post, and mentions the specific addresses likely to experience noise.  I am quite ccertain that this was not mentioned during the meeting.

Clearly, what has happened is that someone took preliminary minutes during the meeting and then passed these over to the planning officer, who fleshed them out with all appropriate detail.  In the process, they seem to have left out something - namely, the restriction on operating hours.

As promised, I have written to Paul Diviani, the Chair of the Committee for further information.  In the meantime, I would like to hear from anyone else who was at the 21 September meeting and remembers anything about the pipeline noise decision  . . . for example, the residents of Trevelyan Road ?

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